was ich mache
was ich mache is an archive of ongoing color studies.
Color investigations span from material collecting and ordering to perceptual experiments and socio-political aspects of color (systems).
Bojne probe (series). 2018. Painting: Acrylic on canvas. 30 x 30 cm / 40 x 40 cm
I love Sol, but he loves Josef (series). 2018. Drawing: Oil pastel on paper. 29,7 x 42 cm / 29,7 x 21 cm
FARBENLEHRE. 2016-2020. Readymade installation. Dimensions variable
Territory (series). 2016. Photography: Digital print on alu dibond. 100 x 150 cm
Palette of My Homeland (series). 2017. Painting: Soil on canvas (Beljuga, Leskun, Crvenica, Franz, "Plodnjača, X, Nikola". 30 x 20 cm
Color Catcher (series). 2019. Installation: Washing paper, pigment. ~26 x 12 cm
Bojna polja. 2016-2020. Installation: Fruit and vegetable net, thread. 2,75 x 3,60 m / 5,2 x 3,5 m
No-Yellow. 2018. Installation: Vegetable net, thread. 12,2 x 3,5 m
Plastik ist plastisch. 2019/2020. Object: Single-use plastic. Dimensions variable
was ich mache. 2020. Performance: Archive demonstration. Dimensions variable